Quick Draw Anatomy for Anaesthetists

420201-1014/ 9781911510147



作者/ 出版商

Fox/ Scion

出版年代/ 版次

2018/ 1

定價NT$ 921
NT$ 875

重量:0.3kg  頁數:94  裝訂:平裝 開數:24 .5x 17.3 cm 印刷:彩色

This book provides you with simple instructions on how to draw and interpret the crucial anatomy you need for your anaesthetic training. Covers all the relevant anatomy in: * Head, neck and neuro - from Circle of Willis to cervical plexus * Vertebral column - from the spinal cord to the sacrum * Cardiac - coronary arteries and venous drainage of the heart * Airway and respiratory - from airway sensation to the diaphragm * Abdomen - from the abdominal aorta to the nephron, via a TAP block * Limbs - from blood vessels in the arms to the ankle, via the femoral canal For the majority of sections, in addition to a simple drawing and detailed explanation, there are also step-by-step illustrations to show you how to draw the anatomy yourself - taking some of the stress out of potential viva questions!