*Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology


*Fuller / LWW
2012 / 1

定價NT$ 2,700
NT$ 2,565

頁數:432    裝訂:精裝  開數:28.4*21.7  印刷:雙色

This textbook aligns the basic science of anatomy and physiology with the applied art and science of communication disorders. The content is approached from a clinical perspective so that students understand the application of the content. Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is unique for its presentation of elementary and introductory anatomy and physiology in a framework of clinical practice.

--A clinical approach helps students understand anatomy and physiology within the framework of clinical practice so that the relationship between anatomy and physiology and application of the content can be seen almost immediately.
--Clinical Teasers present case study scenarios that introduce the clinical approach and help put the content in context for students to reinforce learning.
--Chapters on pathology and its relationship to anatomy and physiology allow the student to understand the full scope of the subject.
--Why You Need to Know boxes offer the student a brief description of pathology to put the anatomy and physiology into context.
--Objectives at the beginning of each chapter highlight American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) competencies and help students identify content that will assist them in meeting knowledge or skill competencies.
--Part Review Questions: Each part will end with critical thinking, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions to give the student the opportunity to test knowledge of anatomy and physiology and their ability to apply that knowledge.

Table of Contents

Unit I Terminology, Nomenclature, and Basic Concepts

Chapter 1 An Overview
Chapter 2 Understanding the Terminology and Nomenclature
Chapter 3 Structural Organization of Humans
Unit I Summary
Unit I Review Questions
Unit II The Nervous System

Chapter 4 Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
Chapter 5 Pathologies Associated with the Nervous System
Unit II Summary
Unit II Review Questions
Unit II References
Unit III The Respiratory System

Chapter 6 Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System
Chapter 7 Pathologies Associated with the Respiratory System
Unit III Summary
Unit III Review Questions
Unit III References
Unit IV The Phonatory System

Chapter 8 Anatomy and Physiology of the Phonatory System
Chapter 9 Pathologies Associated with the Phonatory System
Unit IV Summary
Unit IV Review Questions
Unit IV References
Unit V The Articulatory/Resonance System

Chapter 10 Anatomy and Physiology of the Articulatory/Resonance System
Chapter 11 Pathologies Associated with the Articulatory/Resonance System
Unit V Summary
Unit V Review Questions
Unit V References
Unit VI The Auditory / Vestibular System

Chapter 12 Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory/Vestibular System
Chapter 13 Pathologies Associated with the Auditory/Vestibular System
Unit VI Summary
Unit VI Review Questions
Unit VI References


Terms and affixes to assist you in learning the meanings of anatomical and physiological words

Terms and prefixes used to describe movement

Terms and affixes used to denote anatomical structures or their parts

Terms and prefixes used to describe color, form, general location, relative size, or shape

Terms and affixes used in reference to bones, cartilages, cavities, membranes, or spaces

Terms and affixes used in reference to the nervous system

Terms and prefixes used in reference to the auditory/vestibular system

Miscellaneous terms and affixes used in anatomy, physiology, and pathology
