(特價優惠-恕不退換)Healthcare Informatics DeMYSTiFieD


Keogh / McGraw-Hill

定價NT$ 880
NT$ 704

重量:0.65kg 頁數:384  裝訂:平裝  開數:23.2*18.7 印刷:雙色


Main description

The quick and easy way to master healthcare technology and use your knowledge in real-world situations

If you're looking for a fun, fast review that boils healthcare informatics down to its most essential, must-know points, your search ends here! Healthcare Informatics Demystified is a complete yet concise overview of today's healthcare information technology. This guide introduces you to topics such as computer physician order entry (CPOE), electronic medication administration records (eMARs), decision support systems, and more. You will learn how to maintain electronic medical records (EMRs), use telemedicine to coordinate healthcare management, and safeguard a patient's privacy during treatment.

Studying is easy and effective with key objectives, important terms, brief overviews, tables and diagrams, and NCLEX-style questions throughout the book. At the end is a comprehensive final exam that covers all the content found in Healthcare Informatics Demystified.

This fast and easy guide features:

  • Clear learning objectives and key terms to keep you on track
  • A time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at work
  • Chapter review questions and final exam at the end of the book
  • Topics presented in a build-on-whatyou- learn approach
  • Glossary of key terms

Simple enough for a student but comprehensive enough for a professional, Healthcare Informatics DeMYSTiFieD is your shortcut to mastering the basics of today’s healthcare technology.

Table of contents


Chapter 1: Nursing Informatics
The Basis of Nursing Informatics
1. Clinical Informatics Applications
2. Brief History of Computers
3. Inside a Computer
4. Inside an Application
5. A Clinical System
6. Clinical Systems Development

Chapter 2: Clinical Systems Analysis
1. A Clinical System
2. Clinical Systems Development Process
3. Entities
4. Object-Oriented Design
5. Data Capture
6. Application Architecture

Chapter 3: Clinical Database Analysis
1. Clinical Database Application
2. Clinical Logical Database Design
3. Clinical Physical Database Design

Chapter 4: Clinical Data Reporting
1. Reporting Language
2. SQL
3. Insert and Retrieve Information
4. Update and Delete
5. Cloumn Functions
6. Group Queries
7. Sorting
8. Joins
9. Transactional Application
10. SQL Securithy
11. Stored Procedures

Chapter 5: Clinical Project Management
1. Introduction to Project Management
2. Work Breakdown Structure and Tasks
3. Reslources
4. Costs
5. Management Tools
6. Change Management
7. Risk Management
8. Postdevelopment
9. Agile Project Management

Chapter 6: Clinical Informatics Team Management
1. Project Team Management
2. Conflict Resolution
3. Group Dynamics
4. Effective Commubnication
5. Management Techniques

Chapter 7: Clinical Computer Networks
1. Encoding Data
2. OSI Model
3. Network Packets
4. Ethernet and Networks
5. Routers
6. IP Addresses
7. The Internet and Intranet
8. Remote Login
9. Email
10. Wi-Fi
11. Bluetooth
12. Cell Phones

Chapter 8: Clkinical Vendor Negotiations
1. Procurement
2. Negotiation
3. Conflict Resolution
4. Contract
5. Working the Contract

Chapter 9: Clinical Disaster Recovery
1. Disaster Recovery
2. Risk Assessment
3. Disaster Recovery Plan
4. Disaster Recovery Options
5. Diaster Recovery Operations

Chapter 10: Clinical Systems Security
1.Security Audit
3. Proxy Servers
4. Firewall
5. Encryption
6.Security on a Wireless Network
8. Denial of Service Attack
9. Identity Theft
10. Computer Viruses

Final Exam