*Pocket Guide to Tumors and Cancer

314-2975/ 9781498729758

ISBN/ 9781498729758
作者/出版商 Liu/CRC
出版年代/版次 2018/ 1

定價NT$ 1,457
NT$ 1,384

重量:0.35kg 頁數:218  裝訂:平裝  開數:20 x 13.3 cm 印刷:單色

Tumors and Cancers: Endocrine Glands – Blood – Marrow – Lymph provides succinct reviews of neoplastic growths disrupting normal functions of affected structures. Each chapter presents a state of the art summary of tumor/cancer of a particular type in relation to its biology, epidemiology, disease mechanisms, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.