(特價優惠-恕不退換)Kids'' Food Allergies for Dummies

5529a-6844/ 9781742468440

ISBN/ 9781742468440
作者/出版商 Tang /Wiley
出版年代/版次 2012/ 1

定價NT$ 1,575
NT$ 1,260

重量:0.55kg  頁數:298    裝訂:平裝  開數:23.6*18.9  印刷:黑白

Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Part I: Introducing Food Allergies 9
Chapter 1: Finding Out How Food Can Make Kids Sick 11
Chapter 2: Investigating the Rising Rates of Food Allergies 33
Chapter 3: Preventing Food Allergy in Kids 45
Part II: Defining Food Allergies 61
Chapter 4: Identifying Immediate Food Allergies 63
Chapter 5: Discovering Delayed Food Allergies 87
Chapter 6: Testing for Food Allergies 103
Part III: Living with Food Allergies 117
Chapter 7: Managing Food Allergies 119
Chapter 8: Caring for Kids at Home and On the Go 139
Chapter 9: School and Childcare Staff: Caring for Kids with Food Allergies 159
Chapter 10: Educating Food Allergic Kids 191
Chapter 11: Emergency Action Plans 203
Part IV: Looking To the Future with Allergies 223
Chapter 12: Growing Out of Food Allergies 225
Chapter 13: Treating Allergies in the Future 237
Part V: The Part of Tens 251
Chapter 14: Ten Key Lessons to Teach Your Kids About Food Allergies 253
Chapter 15: Ten (Well, Almost!) Common Food Replacements 261
Chapter 16: Ten Myths about Food Allergies 271
Chapter 17: Ten (Plus Two!) Top Allergy Websites 277
Glossary 285
Index 291