(特價優惠-恕不退換)Nursing Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Demystified


Keogh / McGraw-Hill

定價NT$ 1,150
NT$ 920

重量:1kg 頁數:672  裝訂:平裝  開數:22.9 x 18.6 印刷:雙色

Chapter 1 Understanding Laboratory Tests 1 (20)
1 Labs a Part of a Workup 3 (1)
2 What Is Working-and Not Working? 3 (3)
3 Hematologic System 6 (1)
4 White Blood Cells 6 (1)
5 Red Blood Cells 7 (1)
6 Platelets (Thrombocytes) 8 (1)
7 Liver 8 (2)
8 Pancreas 10 (1)
9 Kidneys 11 (1)
10 Cardiovascular 11 (4)
11 Electrolytes 15 (1)
12 Acid-Base Balance 16 (1)
13 Imaging: X-rays, MRI, CT Scans 17 (4)
Chapter 2 Hematology Tests 21 (88)
1 Amylase 24 (3)
2 Blood Alcohol 27 (3)
3 Blood Glucose 30 (4)
4 Blood Type Test 34 (2)
5 Blood Urea Nitrogen 36 (3)
6 Chemistry Screen 39 (1)
7 Cholesterol and Triglycerides Tests 40 (2)
8 Cold Agglutinins 42 (2)
9 Complete Blood Count 44 (6)
10 C-peptide 50 (2)
11 C-Reactive Protein 52 (2)
12 Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance 54 (4)
13 D-xylose Absorption Test 58 (3)
14 Ferritin 61 (2)
15 Folic Acid 63 (2)
16 Gastrin 65 (2)
17 Glycohemoglobin 67 (2)
18 Iron 69 (2)
19 Lactic Acid 71 (3)
20 Lead 74 (2)
21 Lipase 76 (2)
22 Partial Thromboplastin Time 78 (3)
23 Prothrombin Time(PT)/INR 81 (2)
24 Reticulocyte Count 83 (2)
25 Schilling Test 85 (3)
26 Sedimentation Rate 88 (2)
27 Serum Osmolality 90 (3)
28 Serum Protein Electrophoresis 93 (2)
29 Total Serum Protein 95 (3)
30 Toxicology Tests (Tox Screen) 98 (2)
31 Uric Acid in Blood 100 (3)
32 Vitamin B12 103 (6)
Chapter 3 Electrolytes 109 (18)
1 Calcium 110 (4)
2 Magnesium 114 (2)
3 Phosphate 116 (2)
4 Potassium 118 (2)
5 Sodium 120 (2)
6 Chloride 122 (5)
Chapter 4 Arterial Blood Gases Test 127 (12)
1 Arterial Blood Gases 128 (3)
2 Total Carbon Dioxide 131 (2)
3 Carbon Monoxide 133 (6)
Chapter 5 Liver Blood Tests 139 (22)
1 Hepatitis A Virus Test 140 (2)
2 Hepatitis B Virus Tests 142 (2)
3 Alanine Aminotransferase 144 (3)
4 Alkaline Phosphatase 147 (3)
5 Ammonia 150 (2)
6 Aspartate Aminotransferase 152 (3)
7 Bilirubin 155 (6)
Chapter 6 Cardiac Enzymes and Cardiac Markers 161 (14)
1 Brain Natriuretic Peptide 162 (2)
2 Cardiac Enzyme Studies 164 (3)
3 Homocysteine 167 (2)
4 Renin Assay 169 (6)
Chapter 7 Serologic Tests 175 (36)
1 Antibody Tests 177 (2)
2 Antinuclear Antibodies 179 (2)
3 Blood Culture 181 (2)
4 CD4+ Count 183 (1)
5 Helicobacter pylori Tests 184 (2)
6 Herpes Simplex Virus Tests 186 (3)
7 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Tests 189 (3)
8 Immunoglobulins 192 (4)
9 Lyme Disease Test 196 (2)
10 Mononucleosis Tests 198 (1)
11 Rheumatoid Factor 199 (2)
12 Rubella Test 201 (2)
13 Syphilis Tests 203 (2)
14 Viral Load Measurement 205 (6)
Chapter 8 Endocrine Tests 211 (32)
1 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisol 212 (3)
2 Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test 215 (3)
3 Aldosterone in Blood 218 (3)
4 Cortisol in Blood 221 (3)
5 Estrogens 224 (2)
6 Growth Hormone 226 (2)
7 Luteinizing Hormone 228 (3)
8 Parathyroid Hormone 231 (2)
9 Thyroid Hormone Tests 233 (2)
10 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 235 (2)
11 Testosterone 237 (6)
Chapter 9 Tumor Markers 243 (12)
1 Cancer Antigen 125 245 (2)
2 Carcinoembryonic Antigen 247 (2)
3 Prostate-Specific Antigen 249 (6)
Chapter 10 Pregnancy, Infertility, and Genetic 255 (26)
1 Antisperm Antibody Test 256 (2)
2 a-Fetoprotein 258 (4)
3 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone 262 (2)
4 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 264 (3)
5 lnhibin A Test 267 (2)
6 Prolactin 269 (2)
7 Phenylketonuria Test 271 (1)
8 Tay-Sachs Test 272 (2)
9 Sickle Cell Test 274 (2)
10 Hemochromatosis Gene Test 276 (5)
Chapter 11 Simple X-ray Imaging 281 (22)
1 How an X-ray Is Taken 282 (1)
2 Abdominal X-ray 283 (3)
3 Extremity X-ray 286 (2)
4 Spinal X-ray 288 (3)
5 Mammogram 291 (2)
6 Chest X-ray 293 (2)
7 Dental X-ray 295 (2)
8 Facial X-ray 297 (1)
9 Skull X-ray 298 (5)
Chapter 12 Computed Tomography Scan 303 (14)
1 Full-Body CT Scan 304 (4)
2 CT Scan of the Head 308 (2)
3 CT Scan of the Spine 310 (7)
Chapter 13 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and 317 (26)
Positron Emission Tomography Scan
1 Abdominal MRI 319 (3)
2 Breast MRI 322 (3)
3 Head MRI 325 (3)
4 Knee MRI 328 (3)
5 PET Scan 331 (2)
6 Shoulder MRI 333 (3)
7 Spinal MRI 336 (7)
Chapter 14 Ultrasound Scan 343 (30)
1 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Ultrasound 344 (2)
2 Transvaginal Ultrasound and Hysterosonogram 346 (3)
3 Testicular Ultrasound 349 (2)
4 Abdominal Ultrasound 351 (3)
5 Breast Ultrasound 354 (2)
6 Cranial Ultrasound 356 (2)
7 Doppler Ultrasound 358 (2)
8 Fetal Ultrasound 360 (3)
9 Pelvic Ultrasound 363 (4)
10 Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound 367 (6)
Chapter 15 Cardiovascular Tests and Procedures 373 (26)
1 Cardiac Blood Pool Scan 374 (3)
2 Cardiac Calcium Scoring 377 (3)
3 Electrocardiogram 380 (1)
4 Cardiac Perfusion Scan 381 (3)
5 Ankle-Brachial Index 384 (2)
6 Echocardiogram 386 (4)
7 Pericardiocentesis 390 (3)
8 Venogram 393 (6)
Chapter 16 Female and Maternity Tests and 399 (38)
1 Amniocentesis 401 (3)
2 Biophysical Profile 404 (3)
3 Breast Cancer Gene Test 407 (2)
4 Breast Ultrasound 409 (1)
5 Cervical Cerclage (Weak Cervix) 410 (2)
6 Chorionic Villus Sampling 412 (2)
7 Contraction Stress Test 414 (3)
8 Cordocentesis 417 (3)
9 Cranial Ultrasound 420 (1)
10 Galactosemia Test 421 (1)
11 Karyotyping 422 (1)
12 Pap Smear 423 (3)
13 Sperm Penetration Tests 426 (2)
14 Sweat Test 428 (2)
15 Vaginosis Tests 430 (7)
Chapter 17 Tests for Males 437 (14)
1 Erectile Dysfunction Tests 439 (2)
2 Semen Analysis 441 (3)
3 Testicular Examination 444 (1)
4 Testicular Scan 445 (2)
5 Testicular Ultrasound 447 (4)
Chapter 18 Lung, Chest, Abdominal, Urinary 451 (56)
Tract Tests and Procedures
1 D-xylose Absorption Test 453 (2)
2 Enterotest (Giardiasis String Test) 455 (2)
3 Esophagus Test Series 457 (2)
4 Fecal Occult Blood Test 459 (2)
5 Gallbladder Scan 461 (2)
6 Kidney Scan 463 (3)
7 Liver and Spleen Scan 466 (2)
8 Lung Scan 468 (2)
9 Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test 470 (2)
10 Pulmonary Function Tests 472 (4)
11 Renin Assay Test 476 (2)
12 Salivary Gland Scan 478 (2)
13 Stool Analysis 480 (2)
14 Stool Culture 482 (2)
15 Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound 484 (1)
16 Thyroid Hormone Tests 485 (2)
17 Thyroid Scan 487 (2)
18 Thyroid Surgery 489 (3)
19 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Test 492 (2)
20 Upper Gastrointestinal Series 494 (2)
21 Urinalysis 496 (6)
22 Urine Culture and Sensitivity Test 502 (5)
Chapter 19 Skin, Muscle, and Bone Tests 507 (22)
1 Allergy Skin Testing 509 (2)
2 Bone Mineral Density 511 (3)
3 Bone Scan 514 (2)
4 Chemical Peel 516 (3)
5 Dermabrasion 519 (2)
6 Mantoux Skin Test 521 (2)
7 Wound Culture 523 (6)
Chapter 20 Sinus, Ears, Nose, Throat (ENT) 529 (18)
Tests and Procedures
1 Audiometric Testing 531 (2)
2 Electroencephalogram 533 (2)
3 Sinus X-ray 535 (1)
4 Sputum Culture 536 (2)
5 Sputum Cytology 538 (2)
6 Throat Culture 540 (1)
7 Tympanometry 541 (6)
Chapter 21 Vision Tests and Procedures 547 (14)
1 Vision Tests 549 (4)
2 Tonometry 553 (2)
3 Electronystagmogram 555 (6)
Medical Tests and Procedures Demystified
Final Exam 561 (48)
Answers 609 (10)
Appendix A How to Collect Blood Specimen 619 (4)
Index 623