(特價優惠-恕不退換)Pregnancy for Dummies


Stone /Wiley

定價NT$ 698
NT$ 558

重量:0.65kg  頁數:388    裝訂:平裝  開數:23.5*19  印刷:黑白

Now updated--our bestselling guide to a safe and healthy pregnancy
With robust sales and its own four-part cable TV series, Pregnancy For Dummies has been a perennial favorite, giving parents-to-be authoritative, friendly, up-to-date advice on every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. This new edition offers all of the latest information expecting parents want to know, including expanded coverage on the health and well-being of both mother and child. It takes readers through the first, second, and third trimesters, providing new and updated coverage of prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis, amniocentesis, new high-tech ultrasounds, and the revised FDA/USDA food pyramid. It also discusses the recent celebrity trend of "on-demand" cesarean sections, multiple births, what to expect in labor and delivery, postpartum care, choosing bottle or breastfeeding, preparing a home (and siblings) for a new baby, caring for preemies, and the mother's mental as well as physical health.

"A thorough, accurate, and highly informative guide."
--Los Angeles Times

Table of Contents
Part I: The Game Plan.
Chapter 1: From Here to Maternity.
Chapter 2: I Think I’m Pregnant!
Chapter 3: Preparing for Life during Pregnancy.
Chapter 4: Diet and Exercise for the Expectant Mother.
Part II: Pregnancy: A Drama in Three Acts.
Chapter 5: The First Trimester.
Chapter 6: The Second Trimester.
Chapter 7: The Third Trimester.
Chapter 8: Understanding Prenatal Testing.
Chapter 9: Checking Your Pregnancy Week-By-Week.
Part III: The Big Event: Labor, Delivery, and Recovery.
Chapter 10: Honey, I Think I’m in Labor!
Chapter 11: Special Delivery: Bringing Your Baby into the World.
Chapter 12: Hello, World! Your Newborn.
Chapter 13: Taking Care of Yourself after Delivery.
Chapter 14: Feeding Your Baby.
Part IV: Dealing with Special Concerns.
Chapter 15: Pregnancies with Special Considerations.
Chapter 16: When Things Get Complicated.
Chapter 17: Pregnancy in Sickness and in Health.
Chapter 18: Coping with the Unexpected.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 19: Ten Things Nobody Tells You.
Chapter 20: Ten (Or So) Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women.
Chapter 21: Ten Key Things You Can See on Ultrasound.