*Implant Site Development


Sonick / Wiley-Blackwell
2012 /1

定價NT$ 6,301
NT$ 5,986

出版年代 : 2012  版次: 1  重量:1.65kg  頁數:438 裝訂:精裝  開數:28.4*22.5  印刷:彩色

With the desire for dental implant therapy ever escalating, clinicians are faced with the challenge of augmenting deficient natural physiology to provide effective sites for implantation. Implant Site Development helps the clinician decide if, when, and how to create a ridge site amenable to implantation. This practical book offers solutions to many implant site preservation scenarios, discussing different treatment options, timing, a variety of materials and techniques, and their application to the clinical practice. With a unique integrated clinical approach, Implant Site Development covers a range of site development techniques.

Highly illustrated, Implant Site Development presents diagrams and clinical photographs to aid with clinical judgment and will prove useful for any dental professional involved in implant therapy, from general practitioners to prosthodontists, but especially surgeons. This literature-based, yet user-friendly, reference will be indispensable to the novice or veteran clinician.



1 Principles of bone biology and regeneration
William V. Giannobile and Hector F. Rios

2 Bone anatomy
George A. Mandelaris and Alan L. Rosenfeld

3 Treatment philosophy
Debby Hwang and Michael Sonick

4 Decision-making algorithm for regeneration of the periodontally compromised tooth: maintaining these teeth when dental implants provide a compelling alternative treatment option
Paul S. Rosen and Stuart J. Froum

5 The making of beautiful smiles in perio-implantology
André P. Saadoun

6 CT/CBCT diagnosis and treatment planning concepts for bone grafting applications
Scott D. Ganz

7 Implant site development: socket preservation
Jack T. Krauser and Avi Schetritt

8 Implant interactions in orthodontics
Frank Celenza

9 Guided bone regeneration: Concepts and materials
Debby Hwang and Michael Sonick

10 Implant site preparation: Horizontal ridge augmentation using particulate allograft and the principles of GBR
Michael Sonick and Debby Hwang

11 Guided bone regeneration: Peri-implantation
Debby Hwang and Michael Sonick

12 Guided bone regeneration: Vertical growth
Istvan Urban

13 Intraoral bone grafts for dental implants
Craig M. Misch

14 Bone grafting in large bone defects and extreme atrophy situations
Nardy Casap and Yuval Samuni

15 Sinus elevation: Osteotome-mediated approach
Michael Toffler

16 Sinus elevation: Lateral wall approach
Tomaso Vercellotti

17 Distraction osteogenesis
Michael S. Block and Christopher Haggerty

18 Immediate implant placement: A comprehensive understanding for achieving optimal clinical success
Robert A. Faiella

19 Soft tissue augmentation: Pre-, peri-, and postimplantation
Stefan Fickl and Markus B. Hürzeler

20 Soft tissue enhancement after implant placement
Christian F.J. Stappert and Davide Romeo

21 Soft tissue augmentation: allograft
Peter C. Shatz and Lee H. Silverstein

22 Soft tissue development with provisional and definitive implant restorations
George Priest

23 Bioengineering concepts
Eduardo Anitua and Gorka Orive