*Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma


Rousseau / Handspring

定價NT$ 1,575
NT$ 1,496

重量:0.6kg  頁數:250   裝訂:平裝

Yoga is an embodied practice that promotes well-being, resilience, and connection. Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma provides tangible tools, rooted in empirical and experiential data, that support those seeking to use yoga and mindfulness practices as a tool to address the physiological and psychological impacts of trauma. There is a growing evidence base to suggest that yoga can be an adjunctive tool in supporting survivors of sexual violence.

Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma is a collaboration of leading experts dedicated to addressing the impacts of sexual trauma through yoga and mindfulness practices. The work supports a holistic approach to ameliorating the impacts of traumatic stress, and specifically the impacts of sexual trauma. This work serves as resource to survivors, yoga teachers and practitioners, yoga service providers, trauma practitioners and agency administrators among others. This book presents a foundational understanding of sexual trauma and illuminates current best practices for integrating trauma-informed, universally inclusive practices into work with persons and systems impacted by sexual trauma. The text strives to provide concrete tools to better serve survivors and to ensure that teachers and administrators approach service in an intentional and inclusive way.

This text is the result of a uniquely co-creative process and is part of a larger series by the Yoga Service Council in collaboration with the Omega Institute and with support from lululemon Here to Be. To date, there have been three texts published: Best Practices for Yoga in Schools, Best Practices for Yoga with Veterans, and Best Practices for Yoga in the Criminal Justice System.